Three Things To Do While Waiting on Your Homeschooling Community

This is a guest post contributed by Amber Palmer. You can learn more about Amber in her bio at the bottom of her post.


Five years ago, my husband and I made a decision to pull my daughter from a small private school and homeschool her. When we made this choice, I didn’t realize what a challenge it would be to find a homeschool community or just a few good friends for my daughter to connect with.

Finding a community can feel tricky because you are not only looking for other kids your own kids connect, with but you might also be looking for other parents you can get along with as well.  

Homeschooling families do so much together and there can be pressure for everyone to be able to connect.  Varying ages between your own kids can also create a roadblock when trying to look for a community so that each of your kids can foster friendships with others close to their age.

So many variables, right?  

A few years ago, I thought we had finally found a group of girls for my daughter to be a part of, but as time went on, we were continually left out of events and decided to step back from the group.

We are currently back to square one of the search.

Although in this go-around of searching, I wanted to make sure I was not feeling discouraged but intentional, hopeful, and optimistic!   

Here are the three things we are currently doing while waiting to find our homeschool community:

Give it to God.

Make sure God is included in the search, and rest in the truth that he will provide! Don’t forget to include your kids in the praying. This is a great opportunity for them to witness God working in their lives. Maybe in this time of waiting, God wants to do a good work within your own family connections.

Think outside of the homeschool box.

Perhaps your community is not within the homeschooling realm right now. Maybe your child connects with someone at karate or dance? Or there might be someone at church you connect with who happens to have kids around the same age as yours. Ask God to open up your eyes to those around you who might be a good fit to do life together with!

Be brave.

This one is hard for me! Sometimes finding your people means putting yourself out there. Invite others over to your house or for a park date. Social media can be your best friend when searching for local co-ops and events to attend. Sometimes we try to be brave, and when it doesn’t “work,” we can become discouraged. Take heart and try again.

We are made to do life together and be in community! It is okay (and really, really good) to want to have meaningful relationships not only for your kids but for yourself as well.

If you’ve been blessed with a great community, make sure to have your eyes open to those who might be needing friends. Reach out and invite them in!

Homeschooling can feel really isolating (for parents and the children!) when we don’t have a group to connect with. Don’t lose hope! Keep trusting for God to provide and don’t give up!


“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12


Amber is a busy mom of two kiddos, wife, and blogger over at My Jars of Clay. When she is not homeschooling her daughter you can find her writing to encourage other moms and helping them keep their focus on Jesus. Amber enjoys spending her time reading, singing when no one is around and throwing random dance parties in her kitchen. She loves connecting with other moms in person and over on Instagram.


Amber Palmer

Amber is a busy mom of two kiddos, wife, and blogger over at My Jars of Clay. When she is not homeschooling her daughter you can find her writing to encourage other moms and helping them keep their focus on Jesus. Amber enjoys spending her time reading, singing when no one is around and throwing random dance parties in her kitchen. She loves connecting with other moms in person and over on Instagram.