How to Drop Mommy Guilt {once and for all}

How to Drop Mommy Guilt {once and for all}

I should be able to accomplish more...Other moms do.

My house is always a mess...If I were more organized and more creative it would look better.

I want to do some fun crafts with the kids, but I don't ever have enough time. Maybe one day I'll get it together.

Look at all she's able to do with 5 kids AND homeschooling... I guess I'm just not made to do this.

I need a nap because the baby kept me up all night, but I should be able to keep going. I'm just being lazy.

She works AND has kids AND she still is able to workout every day. What am I doing wrong? I'll never look like that.

Her kids are always so healthy because they eat, like, perfectly. I'm probably screwing my kids up for life. 

Any of this resonate for you? It does for me. This and a whole lot more. I bet you could add a few more of your own? Attacks and criticisms specifically designed to keep you worn down, discouraged and distracted: Designed just for YOU to have you walk through life weighed down by GUILT and self-critical LIES.

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