A Day in the Life {A Valentine's Homeschool Day}

I stayed up WAY too late last night playing with my camera my hubby got me for my birthday... trying to brave the world of manual mode. I found some great little cheat sheets online. So today I became hardcore mom-parrazi and had a camera stuck in my children's face from morning to night. 

A couple of "points" I'd like to make... YES, my children do brush their hair lol. They showered and jumped right into hard-core crafting so they never combed it. YES, that's a halloween costume she is wearing (Vampira). Yes, I do dust my furniture despite what appears in these photographs. And YES my daughter taught herself how to knit today via a YouTube video (and yes, I unabashedly bragged on her!)

Deep thoughts over some owl-crafting.

Now WHAT am I supposed to be doing?

The finished owl-craft project. 

Awesome Apologia Book we are currently borrowing and LOVE <3

Get this study guide to walk from Lent to Easter from AHolyExperience.com Thank you Ann Voskamp!

Hardcore pasting.

Deep thoughts by Kali.

Isabella's current favorite book. Living our lives via AG unit studies right now. 

Heart Wreath- our craft for Keepers of the Home on Friday. Had to do a quick dry run at home first ;-)

The Owl TP Project PIN-spiration. 

My cup-o-fuel. 

Careful! You can see by the band-aid she wasn't so mindful earlier in the day.

My inspiration for life. 

Working hard on our Valentine Collection bucket. 

Foam doesn't respond well to regular glue.

The "fluffy" Valentine Mailbox.

Her "perfect" heart. She's my perfect heart.

More pretties.

The culmination of a massive amount of scrapbooking paper.

I'm knitting here!

Valentines for Friday's party... thanks again Pinterest!

Working sooo hard to write her name neatly... 

Meticulous at times is this kid.

Showing me her new-found skill. 

Mom got a little crafty for Daddy's V-Day. 

Yes, that's an original poem. No, I don't want you to be able to read it :-)

A Kali Original.

Writing a Valentine song with Mommy... doing a seriously awesome job at writing it all down.

More knitting.

My view... melts my heart.

The first and only line of the song. Writing gets tiring quickly.

A favorite view. 

So there you have it. A day in our life. This was a busy one. We read books about math, science, history and geography. We read books about BOB and ten kids in a house and books about Valentine's day and a stolen horse who made it back to her owner. We learned about the atmosphere and stratosphere and how it takes a lot of practice to make a pretty heart. We learned (AGAIN) that too much paste messes stuff up. We learned that mercies are not just new every day, but new every moment. We learned that adjusting the ISO and the Flash Compensation makes all the difference in the world, especially on an overcast, dreary day. We learned that when we are using our hands, our minds and hearts are even more open to learn. 

We learned homemade is always better and that the beginning of Lent, the beginning of giving up stuff, is the beginning of stepping into Life. Stepping into Him.

Blessings dear friends!

It's a few years old, but a really sweet look into a fun homeschool day, all about Valentine's, with a first and fourth grader.