Which Gentle + Classical Homeschool Curriculum for my _____ Grader?

Which Gentle + Classical Homeschool Curriculum for my _____ Grader?
  • Have you assumed that Gentle + Classical curriculum is only for families with preschoolers or Kindergarteners?

  • After loving Primer, have you thought, “What’s next for my first grader since Gentle + Classical doesn’t have a first grade program?”

If you have thought or assumed any of those things, you are not alone! That second question is one of our TOP questions, and we are here to answer that and so much more!

We want you to thoroughly understand EXACTLY what we offer for all students- preschool through 6th grade - so that you can make an informed plan for your children! And if you already love G+C, we don’t want you to feel like you must go find something else once you’re done with Primer!

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FREE Winter Fun Pack!

FREE Winter Fun Pack!

There is nothing like cozying up on a cold winter day with a cup of coffee, light music in the background, and something to keep your mind busy and off the long cold winter days. We designed this free Winter Fun Pack to add a little “spice” to your days, and to especially help your little ones in getting the wiggles out in a way that might be a little more productive and wholesome than just climbing the walls!

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6 Steps to Start Homeschooling Successfully (or HOW to get started without losing it...)

6 Steps to Start Homeschooling Successfully (or HOW to get started without losing it...)

Seasoned homeschool mom or brand-newbie, it’s extremely easy for any of us to get stuck in the “about to start” mode. Does any of this resonate with you?

  • You have everything you need to get started… but it’s all sitting in a box unpacked.

  • You have things pretty organized, but things aren’t just right yet.

  • You took a break during the holidays, and the idea of starting back feels you with dread.

There are a few different emotions that can hold us back from beginning, and two are most prevalent:

  1. Fear.

  2. Burnout. (Which is actually also rooted in fear.)

Honestly, I’m so thankful I started homeschooling over a decade ago…

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FREE: Charlotte Mason's Formidable List of Attainments Posters

FREE: Charlotte Mason's Formidable List of Attainments Posters

In a curriculum from the 1890’s, Charlotte Mason outlined a list of “attainments” that she believed were a challenging set of skills and knowledge that a well-educated child of 6 would do well to have. This list of skills is not for a child to hav e mastered BY the age of 6, but r ather to be challenged with AT the age of 6. This means that the following list of attainments are not a “kindergarten readiness” list but instead would be considered Miss Mason’s “kindergarten” program.

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FREE: Ocean Fun Pack!

FREE: Ocean Fun Pack!

My little guys love ocean animals! As a child I had a deep desire to become a marine biologist. I mean, who doesn't want to swim with dolphins and closely observe whales?

Over time, the Lord had different plans for me, but that doesn't mean I don't still love ocean animals. As a matter of fact, Volume 2 of Nature (release: Spring 2022) is allllll about oceans and shorelines.

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5 Practical Ways to Your Best Homeschool Day

5 Practical Ways to Your Best Homeschool Day

This is a guest post contributed by Lara Chomout. You can learn more about Lara in her bio at the bottom of her post.

I often wish I was “perfect.” As I dream of what this must look like, I imagine the mom I want to be -- the mom who wakes up before the kids, reads her bible, has breakfast ready, dishes put away and a load of laundry going all before the day truly begins. But just as quickly as that dream begins, I roll over in bed, groan, and press the snooze button… over and over again.

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What is a Memory Statement? (And what do I do with it?)

What is a Memory Statement? (And what do I do with it?)

You may have noticed my post about how to assemble a memory statement board but still remained all-together confused or overwhelmed by what a memory statement even IS. Memory statements fill the pages of all Gentle + Classical programs, so I want to make sure you understand WHAT they are and how to implement them in your homeschool!

Memory statements are an idea that seems to have sprung from the more modern ideas of classical education and have been made popular by a popular community-based curriculum program. However, if we dig more deeply, we find that the notion of a “memory statement” is rooted in Charlotte Mason and true (historical) classical education.

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FREEBIE: Watercolor ABC Flashcards (Print with Arrows)

FREEBIE: Watercolor ABC Flashcards (Print with Arrows)

There are truly a plethora of ABC flashcards available on the market these days- I even have four sets in my own shop. Once upon a time, this set was in my own shop as well.

But can we really have too many beautiful options? In the early years of education, flashcards become a staple in our homeschool and in our schooling space…

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