The new edition of Primer will release in late March or early April and feature the amazingly rich, engaging content you know and trust from Primer, but the structure of the program will be more convenient and easy-to-implement. The content of the program will remain at the kindergarten and first grade level.
Additionally, we have integrated Creation Science into Primer so no separate science curriculum is required. Lastly, you'll find the Art & Activity Guide provides beautiful and engaging handicrafts for your child's enjoyment.
More details will be forthcoming, so be sure you're subscribed to our email list!
Are you seeking a childhood of wonderment for your k-1st grade student? Is the cultivation of your little one’s heart and soul equally as important as their bank of knowledge? Do you desire to sow seeds of truth, goodness, and beauty into their hearts daily? Is your desire to teach them to love what our Father loves and to order their affections rightly? If so, keep reading.
These early years are fundamentally precious and sacred years in the early development of a child. The associations they make with early education and the affections they form at this tender age will walk with them throughout their lives. Education in the early years can be daunting, but it need not be!
Through a carefully curated selection of the best methodology that homeschooling has to offer, Gentle + Classical Primer has been developed to empower, encourage, and advise you in creating a rich, wonder-filled, virtue-building, kindergarten and first grade experience for your little one, from one Mama to another.
We all desire to give our children the best education possible. At every turn, we are challenged with new ideas of what that should look like and how that should feel. I believe the answer lies inside of each of us as we all yearn for simplicity, for space, for these precious days to slow down.
If you've been looking for a curriculum for long, you've likely found a great many. Many are very similar to what your child might do in a traditional school environment with scissors, paper, and worksheets in hand. I propose a better way.
An abundance of open-ended play
Taking advantage of robust, sponge-like memories
A natural inclusion of intentional education throughout the day
A childhood drenched in wonder and imagination
Living books that transport your little one into fantastical worlds
Hands-on experiences that are deeply educative
Special bonding time with your little one as you explore the world together
A deeper focus on their personhood and status as image-bearers than ticking all the boxes
You CAN homeschool your child with peace and confidence. Gentle + Classical Primer was designed to be rich with details, encouragement, and freedom.
Here are what others have to say about their experience with Gentle + Classical Primer:
What does Gentle + Classical Primer include?
You will receive 36 units of content, including detailed teacher's notes and tips, organizational tips, and encouragement about education in the early years. The memory work includes:
Scripture (short verses for little memories!)
Catechism + Character Virtues (definitions of character traits to memorize with simple tunes + Q&A about God)
Math (counting to 100, skip counting, calendar skills, number formation, addition, geometric terms, and more)
Language Arts (nursery rhymes, poetry, classic living books)
Manners + Hygiene
Bible and Theology
Artist and Composer Study
Art Explorations and Music Education
Detailed instructions for creating your own Memory Work Board.
Organization, rhythm, scheduling, and planning tips
A thorough explanation and implementation of Charlotte Mason’s “Formidable List of Attainments for a Child of 6”
Tools available in the Primer Bundle (sold separately) to bring narration, phonics review, math concepts, and more to life for your little one.
Click the images below to see samples.
If you have further questions, scroll to the bottom for common questions and a link to our full FAQ.
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Common Questions:
Is this a stand-alone program or can it be used (or should it be used) with any additional programs?
This program is completely sufficient (and then some) for a typical 5-7-year-old child. For your kindergarten and first-grade child, you should add an additional program like All About Reading for a systematic introduction in phonics and a math program like Kindergarten Math with Confidence. Primer was designed to work in a very complimentary way with Gentle + Classical Nature as the science and nature exploration portion of the program. While they can be used completely separately, they work very well together and create a rich experience! Additionally, I have created a Bundle of printable materials to make implementation all the easier for you.
Will this prepare my child to attend a public or private school?
Probably! Though I would never venture to make any promises! The material covered is more than sufficient for almost any child who will be in public school as long as you are implementing it consistently and have added the appropriate level of math and phonics instruction. That said, to be prepared, you might contact the school your child will be attending if you don't intend to homeschool through those years.
Is this curriculum from a specific worldview?
Yes! This curriculum is unabashedly Christian. I come from a non-denominational background and thusly the program does as well. The catechism incorporated is adapted from the Westminster Shorter Catechism and content of The Ology. I chose to include catechism as it is a beautiful tool to help our children become equipped to have an answer for their faith (1 Peter 3:15). To learn more about my faith, visit my About Me page.